Minimally-Invasive (MIS) TLIF

MIS TLIF is a minimally invasive spinal stabilisation surgery to relieve back and leg pain caused by disc degeneration, spinal stenosis and spinal instability. Spinal stabiisation can be done through a traditional "open" approach, where a larger incision is made in the middle of your back, or through a minimally-invasive surgical (MIS) approach.
Our Treatment Procedures:

Backed by Clinical ResearchUsing research-backed procedures to improve the lives of our patients

Why Choose (MIS) TLIF

There are a few potential advantages of choosing a minimally invasive TLIF procedure over traditional spine surgery. They include using a smaller incision and less disruption to muscle tissue. This procedure is generally performed in an outpatient setting. Most patients can resume normal activity within 14 – 21 days after their surgery.

Is it Suitable for Me?

The TLIF procedure allows for a substantial lumbar nerve decompression which can alleviate symptoms related to disc herniation and spinal stenosis. As the pressure on the nerves is relieved, symptoms of leg pain and sciatica and radiculopathy can be eliminated.

A successful TLIF procedure allows for direct decompression of the nerves. As such, only a small incision is required to achieve such an extensive decompression of the nerves.

UnderstandingThe Procedure

The goal of this procedure is to stabilise the spine, minimising low back and leg pain. This procedure stops the motion of the affected disc level by placing screws, rods and bone graft to promote the two vertebrae to become one bone (spinal fusion).

Typically 2-3 cm incisions are made on either side of the lumbar spine. After the incisions are made, a minimally invasive approach is made down to the vertebral body using dilating tubes. The surgeon then ensures that spinal screws are securely placed into the vertebral body of spine. Live x-ray and live nerve monitoring are used to ensure that the screws are placed accurately.

1 inch incision in many cases
Faster Recovery Time
Minimal blood loss

Treatment Procedures(MIS) TLIF may be used to treat the following conditions

Herniated Disc

A herniated disc occurs when inflammatory proteins from a disc’s inner core leak out.

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease is when normal changes that take place in the discs of your spine cause pain.

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis happens when the spaces in the spine narrow and create pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots.

Our team believes in understanding each and every patient in depth. This patient-centered approach has helped us greatly in ensuring that they are always progressing and meeting their recovery milestones.
Dr Loo Wee Lim— Orthopaedic Surgeon